3 Discipline Methods of Authoritative Parenting

3 Discipline Methods of Authoritative Parenting
Of all the parenting styles, the authoritative parenting is the one that puts the desires, feelings and needs of their children first. This is even true when it comes to discipline. These parents practice assertive disciplinary methods. Even when disciplining their children, these parents firmly believe in open communication, allowing the children to express themselves in an assertive, yet respectful manner. Here are three disciplinary methods used in authoritative parenting, which is considered the most effective of parenting styles:
  1. Negotiation -Authoritative parenting involves negotiating with the children when disciplining them. They discuss the expectations and allow explanations for why the rules were broken. It is important to the parents that their kids understand why what they did was wrong. The kids are free to discuss the situation openly with the parents in hopes of getting a better understanding. The ultimate goal is to come to a clearly understood agreement for the future.
  2. Emotions -Authoritative parenting is based on controlling the child's behavior, but not their emotions. Parents never resort to psychological games. They want their children to feel good about themselves, inside and outside. Therefore, they encourage positive feelings in their kids, even when it's time for discipline. Instead of practicing sneaky tactics, these parents freely communicate their own feelings without trying to make the children feel guilty about their mistakes.
  3. Rewards -Authoritative parenting is about nurturing the needs of the children. This means rewarding them for their achievements and good behavior. This doesn't necessarily mean buying them expensive gifts, although this is sometimes done for great accomplishments. The actual idea is to make sure the children know that their parents are proud of them. The open communication between them creates a forum for expressing positive thoughts about the children. This is very helpful when it comes to discipline. It shows consistency with communication so the children don't feel like the only time their parents talk to them is when they've done something wrong.
Discipline Techniques

Your discipline techniques will be greatly affected by the parenting styles you choose to follow. Authoritative discipline techniques are fair and consistent. These parents have higher expectations than with some other parenting styles. The high level communication they have with their children ensures that they know what these expectations are. When the rules are broken, authoritative parents are very consistent with administering the expected and already discussed disciplinary actions. This helps to create a sense of self-discipline within the children of authoritative parenting households.

Learn more effective ways of authoritative parenting when you visit http://authoritativeparentingstyles.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sarah_E._James
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