Easy Cooking Ideas For Rainy Day Fun!

Cooking Ideas For Rainy Day Fun!
Have you tried all of the recipes in your books, searched high and low on websites to find recipes and are just looking for something quick and different to make with the kids? I like the fun little "cooking" projects that don't contain too much cooking but makes the kids think they are helping in the kitchen "cooking" like Mom (or Dad). I have creative ways to do all kinds of things. Hopefully these ideas will give you some fresh inspiration.

Kid-friendly pita stuffers- Prepare tuna fish, chicken salad (if you add cranberries and almonds it's extra yummy and healthy), or get some lunch meat ready. Let the kids decide on the extras- pickles, lettuce, tomato, etc. Let them stuff them and make their own sandwiches. You can buy baby carrots and celery. Depending on their age, have them help cut the celery. If you buy a dip package, you can quickly let the little ones "make dip from scratch".

Pinwheels- A simple and fun little sandwich. Put some lunch meat and cheese on a tortillas. Put lettuce, cheese and green or black olives (if your kids like them!) and roll it all together. After you roll it into a tube, slice it into rolls. These are truly painless little snack "sandwiches".

Kids LOVE to make meatball subs! Get all of the ingredients together, with the kids' help. Instead of buying pre-made meatballs, buy ground beef and have the kids help add spices and dried onions. Add the other flavoring your family likes and cook them up in spaghetti sauce nice and slow. I use a crock pot. When they are ready, get the rolls ready. Add a slice of cheese, let the kids help scoop their meatballs onto their rolls and voila! you have a great meal.

English muffin pizzas- As the descriptions reads, you can tell these are easy ones. Take English muffins, add spaghetti sauce, cheese and whatever else you can come up with- pepperoni, peppers, onions and mushrooms. OK, not your thing? You can make them the way I like them and add ham and pineapple to the cheese. Yum. I'm sure you and your kids can come up with all kinds of creative pizzas. My rule is just that it has to be eaten after you make it!

This last one is my very favorite. Military MREs. These are self-contained meals that even come with everything in them to heat them up. My Father was in the military and I have fond memories of eating these and acting like we were in war. They can be purchased online and come in a variety of different meals. This is something that can be a special treat.

I have used lots of great ideas to turn regular days into exciting ones. Have you ever used riddles to create fun? They are great for parties or use them to create fun any day. You should try it!

For fun party ideas and to see the cool ways I use riddles visit Http://Age-Appropriate-Riddles.info.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shanyn_Coblentz
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