My Child Is Always Frustrated - What Can I Do?

My Child Is Always Frustrated - What Can I Do?
If your child is always frustrated and nothing you suggest seems to help ease it, there may be some things you haven't thought about. When we see our kids frustrated, immediately we tend to get defensive or we want to fix it. We don't always stand back and notice that we aren't the ones who are frustrated. It's our kids and we want to help them learn valuable coping skills.
  • When kids are overly emotional- any emotion, really, they have the tendency to "clam up" after their initially frustration, anger, etc. We want to teach our kids to use their words. Yes, this is what we teach them when they are really young but somehow as they get a little older they seem to forget again! Share your coping skill stories with them. Explain how there was a time when you felt the same way and share what you did. Kids love to hear examples.
  • Karate is a great activity to get into if the child has aggression, self-confidence or frustration issues. They learn to become self-disciplined and feel good about themselves. This is wonderful because as time goes on, they become less and less hard on themselves in areas that aren't that important. The "little stuff" doesn't seem to affect them as much.
  • Check your community or even your child's school to see if they offer children's coping skills classes. These often have very energetic, happy teachers that lead the children into learning how to handle their emotions but do it in such a way that the kids really want to keep going back!
  • As a parent, reach out and take a class to learn how to cope, yourself. This way you will be empowered to help your child as he faces his struggles. You will be well equipped for your own life situations that arise, as well. Your investing your time learning these valuable skills will benefit many of those around you.
  • Be sure your child understands that it's OK to show how he feels when he's around you. Just being able to "vent" creates a safe-place for your child and he or she will know they can come to you no matter how they feel. This is a priceless gift to you and them.
These are a few ways to get you started in helping your child start to view his or her world differently. I'd love to be able to teach you how to do more!

Learn ways to help you child cope with anything in life. This has brought me great results with my children as well as others' children. Visit Http://

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