Creative And Practical Ideas For The Working Parent

Creative And Practical Ideas For The Working Parent
Being a parent is already a full time job, but if you are forced to work 9 to 5, things can get pretty hectic in your life. Fulfilling both roles require that you are present, focused and engaged; so that it is no wonder that more working parents experience symptoms of burnout and chronic exhaustion than ever before.

Most parents who are full time employed do everything possible to have their children well taken care of when they are away from home. Whether opting for a grandparent living nearby, a family friend or distant relative, parents can be really creative in this department. But what they do not know is that hiring a professional, certified caretaker or nanny can be far more lucrative for the whole family. First of all, such a person is qualified to make sure that your children will be cognitively stimulated, played with and even helped with their homework if necessary. Having a full time nanny also means that other small chores around the house are done, so that by the time you and your partner get home from work, dinner will be waiting on the table and your children will have had a great day even without you.

If spending more time with your children is the primary objective you have set out, then try talking with your boss to see if there is any possibility that you can come to work one, two hours earlier and leave sooner in the afternoon. In this way you can still squeeze in a family dinner at a restaurant, a long walk in the park or to the playground. Remember that this time is precious and you can make it count as you see fit. For example, you can go out together with your partner for some alone time to a movie. No matter what you choose, it is important to never forget about yourself and your need for personal time.

Play dates were surely invented to encourage and develop children's social skills, but, to no surprise, also for parents' peace of mind. Therefore, another idea for having some personal time for resting, doing your chores around the house or just quietly reading a book, is arranging supervised play dates.

As a working parent your daily schedule can get really busy; with all the responsibilities at some point you are bound to feel overwhelmed. This is the perfect time to initiate your little ones with the easier chores around the house that they can help you with, such as: washing the dishes, helping you with the cooking, dusting or picking up the toys scattered around the house, cleaning their rooms and so on.

Abigail Simmons is Author of Positive Parenting Secrets Book. She has helped many parents solve their parenting problem using her practical positive parenting techniques. To learn more about her parenting tips and techniques, please visit

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